Ready to launch!

Posted 5 Sep 2015

So today has been a very busy one! I have finally got my round pen up and have sat down to finish my website. This is a work in progress and I would very much appreciate any comments.

I have a lot left to do, including a video to introduce myself. The prospect of this dream becoming a reality is terrifying and exciting in equal measures and I cannot wait to finish my training next weekend and graduate with my peers.

I will endeavour to provide regular updates as to how things are going so that you can keep up with how the service develops.

As someone who likes lists and plans, this journey has been a massive learning curve for me – how do you cope with uncertainty?

Good night –

Danielle x

What We Offer

We offer Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy, Equine Facilitated Learning, Group sessions, CPD training for professionals, Counselling and Psychotherapy, and Clinical Supervision.

Our Mission

To support personal development and learning through the power of nature and horses, and to provide an evidence base to expand the provision of this powerful model of work.